Cindi Rose - The Story of a Silhouette Artist

Cindi as the current Ms. Texas Elite 2020 with her granddaughter, Holland Gentry, Little Miss Lonestar 2020. Cindi wore BulletGirl jewelry to her auditions! 

Describe your style in three words.

Intriguing, noticeable, creative.

How did you discover BulletGirl Jewelry?

Bulletin Girl generously donated to a nonprofit organization and I was drawn to purchase cufflinks for my son and an amazing necklace for myself. The men's jewelry is beautifully attractive too. 

How do you feel when you wear BulletGirl Jewelry? 

I feel like an “it girl” when I wear BulletGirl Jewelry. I feel sexy, powerful and uniquely me. 

 Cindi Rose doing silhouette art for Hermes around the USA

Cindi Rose doing her silhouette art for Hermes around the USA 

You're a silhouette artist. Tell us what that means and how you came to discover your passion. 

I was born an artist having a mother who was an architect and portrait artist. As a teen I earned money painting portraits of pets and humans . This led me to draw and paint for Disneyland. California where I discovered the lust art of hand-cutting accurate profiles from sight while earning 2 college degrees in fine art and journalism.

What makes you feel your strongest and most confident?  

I am strongest and most confident traveling alone to exciting bookings for events to the unknown for corporations and event specialists who hire me for my artistic strength and professionalism.

You are Miss Texas Elite! What are your tips for business success?

As Miss Texas Elite 2020 I know we are all beautiful and need to connect to the part of ourselves that can inspire others and to utilize our inner talents for the betterment of the universe.  

Is there anything you wish you had known as a young girl, that you know now? 

As a young girl I was too polite, too shy, and my morals were too high. I wish I had not been in my own shell to realize others were insecure as well and connect better with an open heart.

As a mother and grandmother, what's your greatest achievement related to your family? 

As a grandparent my children do philanthropy, and are honest lawyers, good parents, good spouses. My grandchildren are creative and inquisitive. They are ages 1, 2, and two are four. Of course I think they are great artists and actresses. I am in the Screen Actors Guild and we do play-acting, dance, art. opera, singing. mike. rap, poetry, ventriloquism. Like Bullet Girl,  they are each unique. 


Cindi Rose with her daughter Erica - the current Mrs. Texas legacy 

Do you have a life motto?  

My life motto is to never hold negativity. I move forward with positive goals and bless any situation or person that may not have been as I would have wanted.