A Day in the Life of Radio Celebrity: Columba Gallegos


Describe your style in three words.
I like to say I’m unique, authentic and stylish. 

How did you discover Bulletgirl Jewelry?
Actually through a very dear friend, my fitness coach David.

How do you feel when you wear BulletGirl Jewelry?
I feel like a lady with style. It is so unique - you can find beautiful costume jewelry to wear to major events or bangles, pendants, necklaces that you can collect for everyday. 

You're a certified health and fitness coach, and radio celebrity. Tell us what a day in your life looks like!
I wake up every day full of energy and start exercising. Then, I get ready to go to the radio station until 3pm. At work I love to pass my energy to all my audiences. After work, I come home and work on my personal business which is c7 Sport which is an online fitness line. Also, what I enjoy the most is spending time with my dog Tabs.

Where do you go to feel inspired?
My gym - I love getting in a good sweat!

You look absolutely amazing. What are your tips for looking and feeling your best?
For me number one is what you put into your body. It’s my temple. Then exercise, hydration, and a good night’s sleep!

What makes you feel your strongest and most confident?
My spirituality makes me feel the most confident.

What is it like to be a Latin mixed woman and to straddle different cultures?
It has absolutely been a wonderful experience because I get to learn and get the
best of both cultures.

Do you have a life motto?
Enjoy life today because today is a gift.